Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Singing I Go!

Let's see.. Where did I leave off?? I believe we are now on day 6 in our travels and I am recording Days 4 and 5 for those who care to keep informed.
Jon took over driving Saturday evening into early Sunday morning. My job was to keep Jon awake with red bull, pretzels, singing, laughing, and reading in foreign dialect. =) Everything went splendidly til we discovered the engine light blinking at us. There was something a muck with the Turbo. It was not getting enough air? Due to the air filter? I really should get my facts straightened out before I decide to blog about it shouldn't I?? Minor details.. ;) I know the important stuff like, we got to Jeff and Laura's! =) Oh, and we had another flat on the trailer before arrival totally to three flats in 4 days. Sunday morning we rolled in around 10 am. with just enough time for me and Jon to shower and ready ourselves for church. We stayed the night and planned to leave Monday evening, but as Byerly luck would have it, we could not get a part for the RV until Tuesday morning. One more day with Jeff and Laura was not something to sulk over. =) We enjoyed our time together. Monday was spent readying the RV, organizing the trailer, and fixing the slide-out which just so happened to get stuck. Our plan was to leave Tuesday at 11 am. At 11:30 am. we set out again on the open road! As of now, we have no power and are picking up fuel filters in Santa Fe, NM.
Singing I go along life's road,
Praising the Lord! Praising the Lord!
Singing I go along life's road,
For Jesus has lifted my Load!


Emily Yesensky said...

haha, such a typical Byerly experience... I'm glad that you guys are arriving at places safely lol... so now to Arizona?

Joy4Him said...

Oh yes, on to Arizona. Through the death canyon, on to better lands we go! Forgot to mention that tidbit of info. ;)